Environmental report and other publications

In order to publicize our environmental commitment, we prepare an annual Environmental Report which identifies and assesses all environmental aspects arising from our activities.

Previous reports

Brochure about the project ‘Birds and power lines: Mapping of bird flight paths’. Red Eléctrica de España has won the European Business Awards for the Environment 2014 in the special category ‘Business and Biodiversity’, for its project ‘Birds and power lines: Mapping of bird flight paths’.

All Red Eléctrica activities are carried out in compliance with a strict environmental policy and from a position of maximum respect for the natural environment. The “Environmental Statement 2013” contains a summary of the main environmental aspects included in both the aforementioned documents.

In 2009 we began Red Eléctrica Forest ("El bosque de Red Eléctrica"), a project that contributes to the fight against climate change through the reforestation and, at the same time, to the conservation of biodiversity-rich areas or to recover deteriorated natural areas.

Red Eléctrica sets out its committment to biodiversity in its environmental policy, biodiversity strategy and the many actions it carries out in this area, to which it dedicates considerable manpower and financial resources.

All Red Eléctrica activities are carried out in compliance with a strict environmental policy and from a position of maximum respect for the natural environment. To ensure this, the Company has an environmental management system certified according to the ISO 14001 standard.

This publication is as a result of Red Eléctrica's willingness to improve and optimise the environmental impact assessment processes in which it is involved, both as manager of the electricity transmission grid and as the driving force behind grid development projects. (Only available in Spanish)

This report includes the company's most relevant environmental information for the 2011: environmental indicators, aims, adjustments to installations, resource consumption, research and development, training, environmental costs…

This report includes the company's most relevant environmental information for the 2010: environmental indicators, aims, adjustments to installations, resource consumption, research and development, training, environmental costs…

This report includes the company's most relevant environmental information for the 2009: environmental indicators, aims, adjustments to installations, resource consumption, research and development, training, environmental costs…

This report includes the company's most relevant environmental information for the 2008 fiscal year: environmental indicators, aims, adjustments to installations, resource consumption, research and development, training, environmental costs…