We are a global operator of essential infrastructure
Board of Directors
Redeia has a reduced, diverse, active and efficient Board, consisting of twelve members of recognised standing, each with an extensive professional career. They bring to the social management the experience and knowledge necessary to meet the needs of the Company.
Evaluation of the Board of Directors
Each year there is an evaluation of the Board of Directors, its Committees and its Chairman. The evaluation process in recent years has involved external advisors who are experts in this field, giving a more objective and independent view to these processes.
The Company has an Annual Programme of Activities and Information of the Board of Directors aligned with the Strategic Plan of the Company. Over the last two years, the Board has participated in specific sessions (case studies) on topics related to Redeia’s 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, enabling an analysis of the impacts, risks, opportunities, trends and future forecasts on a wide range of issues that are relevant to Redeia. These relate to the following areas: self-consumption and operation of the electricity system; gas and CO2 emissions markets; offshore installations; corporate governance; sustainability and business; the stock market; cybersecurity; solar storms; telecommunications business (satellites and fibre optics); energy impact of current geopolitical events; the Latin American situation from a geopolitical and strategic business viewpoint; energy efficiency; very long-term social, technological and economic trends and possible scenarios; artificial intelligence; etc.
In this regard, it should be noted that the aforementioned Annual Program of Activities and Information of the Board of Directors includes specific sessions for all directors on risk management where both financial and non-financial risks are analyzed.