We are a global operator of essential infrastructure
Biodiversity is essential to our environmental management. In 2010, we made a commitment, updated in 2023, to have a positive impact on biodiversity and the natural surroundings of our new facilities by 2030.

What is our commitment to the flora, fauna, and marine and terrestrial ecosystems by 2030? What are our goals for 2025?

- Biodiversity Pact. Spanish Initiative for Business and Biodiversity (IEEB) promoted by MITERD.
- Business for Nature initiative.
- Global Compact’s Sustainable Ocean Principles.
- Transnational Strategy to fight against Cortaderia selloana in the Atlantic Arc.
- Biodiversity working group with MITERD’s Sub-directorate General for Terrestrial and Marine Biodiversity.
- Natural Capital in the Spanish energy sector, Natural Capital Coalition.
- Natural Capital of the Spanish Green Growth Group.
- ISO Committee CTN 328 Biodiversity.
- Centro de Cooperación del Mediterráneo de la UICN (Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza).
- SEO BirdLife (Sociedad Española de Ornitología).
- Fundación Global Nature.
We apply the impact mitigation hierarchy in the management of biodiversity throughout the life cycle of our infrastructures: design, construction, maintenance, and decommissioning.
When defining the location of our facilities, our priority is avoiding areas rich in biodiversity, protected spaces, and those with species of interest.
If we are not able to avoid areas rich in biodiversity, we minimise any potential impacts.
We restore ecosystems, eradicate invasive species, and collaborate in bird conservation.
We take other environmental improvement measures to offset and contribute positively to the protection and conservation of biodiversity.
Buscamos modificar las causas de la pérdida de naturaleza mediante compromisos, marcos de colaboración y alianzas.
We contribute to minimising the main threats to nature: biodiversity loss, ecosystem degradation, the proliferation of invasive exotic species, and the increase in forest fires.
The transmission grid of our subsidiary Red Eléctrica is an effective tool that contributes to halting the loss of biodiversity: they connect territories and increase the density of flora and fauna.
Since 2020, together with the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the Bulfavent association, we have been researching the use made by flora and fauna of power lines.
The main conclusion is that our facilities play a role as biodiversity corridors and compose a discontinuous mosaic of unique refuges for open space species. These islands of biodiversity are vital spaces that connect ecosystems and increase the density of flora and fauna.
As a result of this study, we have detected colonies of ant butterflies, an endangered species, and a large number of orchids under our lines in Catalonia.
Video available only in Spanish.