We are a global operator of essential infrastructure
We collaborate with the people in the territories where we operate to help them address current and future challenges. Moreover, we drive projects that improve people’s lives and contribute to protecting biodiversity.

Through our comprehensive impact strategy, we work to obtain a social licence to operate by creating shared value, publicising our commitments to society and the benefits we bring (positive footprint) and focusing on the communities and territories where we operate.
We listen to the needs and characteristics of the territories, facilitating participation mechanisms, responding with transparency to the information requested and supporting social and environmental protection projects with social innovation.

As part of social Innovation, we work on projects that fight against different inequalities that allow us to progress without leaving anyone behind, hand in hand with public administrations and entities in the Third Sector.

We also rely on Redeia's corporate volunteering model to extend the company's social action, promoting and strengthening solidarity activities that respond to social needs, problems, and interests.

Social development is impossible without a clear, objective, and quantifiable investment in specific projects.
In 2022, we contributed over 10 million euros (1.6% of our net profit) to the development and promotion of several social initiatives, according to the LBG (London Benchmarking Group) methodology.

Since 2022, we publish every year our Impact Measurement and Management Report, in which we voluntarily provide an overview of the shared social and environmental value we generate.

Espacio de Animación Rural de Corcolilla, the regeneration project that won Holapueblo in Alpuente
Innova rural, the project of reactivation that won the IV edition of Holapueblo in Beteta
Ruralizable holds a new event to discuss financing for rural entrepreneurs