We are a global operator of essential infrastructure

Born on 20 March 1958.
Degree in Law from the Universidad de Barcelona. Doctor in Law from the Universidad de Barcelona. Postdoctoral researcher at the Università degli Studi di Bologna, Project on Promotion of industrial reorganization.
She currently is:
- Professor of Administrative Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Barcelona (since 1995).
- Director of the Master's Degree in Advanced Public Procurement at the University of Barcelona.
- Professor of Economic Regulation Law, in the Master of Advanced Legal Studies of the Faculty of Law and in the Master of Regulation, Competition and Public Services of the Faculty of Economics, at the University of Barcelona.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Federation of Energy Law Associations.
- First Vice-President of the Spanish Association of Energy Law (AEDEN).
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Associazione per gli Studi e le ricerche sulla Riforma delle Istituzioni Democratiche e sull'innovazione nelle amministrazioni pubbliche (ASTRID).
- Member of the Board of Directors of MIBGAS Derivatives S.A.
- Member of the European network Public Contracts in Legal Globalization (PCLG).
- Member of the European Public Law Group (EPLG).
- Member of the Spanish Association of Administrative Law Professors. (AEPD).
She has been (among other positions):
- Member of the Advisory Board of the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia (2008-2014).
- Member of the Advisory Board of the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) (2005-2008).
- Guest lecturer at the universities of Paris II Pantheon-Assas, Institut de Sciences Politiques de Paris, Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Institut de Sciences Politiques de Grenoble, Roma Tre, Externado de Bogotá, Siena, Oviedo, Euskadi, Roma La Sapienza, Pisa, Florence, Cattolica de Milano, Pavia, Montpellier.
- Co-director of the Master's Degree in Public Management at the Escola d'Administració Pública de Catalunya (EAPC) (2017-2023).
- President of the Accreditation Commission of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) (2021-2023).
- Member of Society’s Inaugural Council de la International Society of Public Law.
- Director of several courses on telecommunications regulation at the Consorcio Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo de Barcelona (CUIMPB) (1997-2001).
- Director of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedural Law, Faculty of Law, University of Barcelona (2000-2004).
- Professor of Administrative Law at the Universidad de Barcelona since 1986.
- Other professional responsibilities to highlight:
- CAC representative in the European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA), in the contact committee provided for in the SCA Directive between national audiovisual regulators and the European Commission, in the Réseau des Institutions de Régulation Méditérranéennes (RIRM) and in the Plataforma de Reguladores Audiovisuales de Iberoamérica (PRAI).
- Member of the Congress of Deputies in the VIII and IX legislatures (2004-2008). Speaker of the Law for the Defense of Competition, of the Law of the Basic Statute of Public Employees, of the Law of Public Sector Contracts, of the Law of transparency of financial relations between Public Administrations and public companies, of the Law of State Agencies for the improvement of public services and of the Law of special regime for the Municipality of Barcelona, among others (2004-2008).
Other information of interest:
- Author of numerous books, book chapters, articles and research projects on the main lines of research she has developed in her career, among others: economic regulation law; energy law; infrastructure law; judicial control, administration and technique; telecommunications law; transparency, conflicts of interest and accountability -good governance and good management; independent regulatory authorities, public procurement; public services and liberalization in the process of European integration; etc.
- In addition, in recent years she has presented numerous presentations at conferences, as well as she has participated on the boards of scientific journals, committees and representations, and has received awards for merit in research from the National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity (ANECA).
Professor of Administrative Law.
Name | Elisenda Malaret |
First appointment | 2021/29/06 |
Re-elections | - |
Last appointment | 2021/29/06 |
Election procedure | General Shareholder´s Meeting |
Position on the Board | Member |
Type of Director | External independent |
Audit Committee/post | No |
Appointments and Remuneration Committee/post | No |
Sustainability Committee/post | Yes, Member |
Presence in Boards of other Spanish listed companies | No |