Actions during 2012

  • First report of ' Red Eléctrica´s Adaptation to Climate Change "in which the long-term implications of climate risks on the electricity transmission infrastructure have been assessed.
  • Development of a new numerical methodology for sorting and ranking Company risks, taking into account their probability and the whole range of impacts that could affect the Company. 
  • Updating of the Risk Management Procedure and analysis of its alignment with the directives set out by ISO 31000.


Indicadores de desempeño (indicadores de gestión)

Performance Indicators (Management indicators)

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Degree of coverage of risk management (%) (1)

83,0 92,1 96,2 97,6 99,0

Improvement of the average weighted value related to risks in comparison to previous year.(2)

0,90 0,75 0,95 0,94 0,95

External evaluation (DJSI) (0-100)

92 87 62 70 76


(1) (Risks addressed/risks detected)*100.

(2) Average weighted value year n/value average weighted year n-1.

DJSI: Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes.


Challenges 2013-2014

  • Analysis of the improvements to be included in the risk management processes and in the information supplied.
  • Design and implementation of a model of dashboard report of the Group´s risk management. 

More information:
Corporate Governance Report, pages 24-31