We are a global operator of essential infrastructure
- These facilities, critical for the security of the electricity system, have full autonomy and are operated by independent teams.
Additionally, to strengthen electricity system security, the Company has set up a third control centre that is independent from the existing ones.

Red Eléctrica de España guarantees that its functions as operator and transmission agent of the Spanish electricity system will be carried out as normal despite the spread of the coronavirus nationwide. However, in order to safeguard the health of its employees, the Company has implemented a package of measures with special focus on those professionals who operate the electricity control centres, critical facilities for the security of the electricity supply.
In this regard, the Company guarantees this service as it already has two autonomous electricity control centres that are operated by independent teams. However, as an additional measure and to further guarantee a redundant back-up system, the Company has set up a third control centre. These three centres operate with full autonomy. Furthermore, to provide greater safety for its personnel, as of last week Red Eléctrica restricted the access of non-critical staff to these centres.
On the other hand, and in relation to the transmission grid, the Company has taken additional preventive measures regarding the personnel that manage the Telecommunications Supervision Centre and the Facilities Maintenance Centre, as well as the professionals who are part of the on-call response crews responsible for dealing with possible incidents in the grid.
In addition, the Red Eléctrica Group has rolled out a series of preventive measures to safeguard the health of the remainder of the workforce in application of the action protocols that the Company has planned and that were implemented from the outset. On the one hand, and taking into account the implementation of exceptional actions in the areas most affected by the spread of the virus, such as the closure of educational centres in the regions of Madrid, the Basque Country and La Rioja, the Company has made it easier for employees in those areas affected by these actions to telework. For the rest of the workforce, the Company has introduced flexible working hours.
On the other hand, and following the recommendations of the health authorities, Red Eléctrica has set up hygiene kits – hand-sanitising gels – in all workplaces, has cancelled training and mass face-to-face meetings and has restricted work-related travel for trips both within Spain and abroad.
Red Eléctrica de España is carrying out its duties and responsibilities with complete normality and is working to continue guaranteeing the continuity and security of the electricity supply nationwide.