We are a global operator of essential infrastructure
- The exhibition is on display at the "Casa de la Ciencia", a popular science space of the CSIC in Seville, and informs and raises awareness amongst the public on matters regarding responsible, efficient and sustainable electricity consumption
- Through a didactic approach and using interactive panels, the exhibition explains what electricity is, how it is generated and how it is distributed
- The inauguration counted on the participation of the Mayor of Seville, Juan Ignacio Zoido, and the President of CSIC, Emilio Lora-Tamayo
The Chairman of Red Eléctrica de España, José Folgado, inaugurated this morning in Seville the exhibition The electricity highway behind the wall socket. Electricity from the power station to your home, that is the result of a public-private collaboration agreement between the Red Eléctrica and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). The event was led by the Mayor of Seville, Juan Ignacio Zoido, and the event counted on the participation of the President of the CSIC, Emilio Lora-Tamayo, and other personalities in Seville from the world of science and culture.
Red Eléctrica's exhibition has already visited other Spanish cities. It consists of an interactive tour that invites you to discover, through experimentation, the phenomenon regarding electricity: how it is generated and how it is transported from its origin in the power stations to the consumption points, attempting to highlight the importance of the citizen in the electricity process.
Using a didactic approach, the exhibition manages to place at visitor to the centre stage, thus making them the true protagonist of the electricity process, with the capacity to play a responsible role and choose what, how and when to consume, thereby contributing to increasing the efficiency and sustainability of the electricity system.
"In reality -explained the Chairman of Red Eléctrica José Folgado- the electricity system is based on the needs of the citizens and each individual gesture in the way electricity is consumed has a direct impact on the whole system".
The exhibition is structured around three main themes: electricity as a physical phenomenon; the electricity supply process, and the role of consumers. Each themed block, in turn, consists of six spaces where visitors can learn, through visual and tactile experiences, what an electric arc or a plasma sphere is and to learn, in great detail and through carefully-designed scale models, how electricity is generated via renewable sources, or how it travels to be used in our homes, factories or to light our cities.
The exhibition will remain open until next October and aims to be a forum for education and the dissemination of information for citizens of all ages regarding electricity. It is particularly aimed at universities and schools, both primary and secondary education, and other social groups or professionals interested in electricity grids.