We are a global operator of essential infrastructure
Wind energy production yesterday reached new maximums of instantaneous power, hourly energy and daily energy. The maximum instantaneous power, 16,636 MW, was recorded at 4:41 pm, representing an increase of 11.2% on the previous maximum of 14,962 MW, recorded on 9 November 2010.
Also, yesterday a new maximum of hourly production was set at 16,455 MWh between 5:00 and 6:00 pm, an increase of 11.5% compared to the previous maximum of 14,752 MWh (9 November 2010). Similarly, a maximum of daily wind energy was reached with 334,850 MWh, compared to 315,258 MWh on 9 November 2010. This maximum represents an increase of 6.2%.
The Control Centre of Renewable Energies (Cecre) has also helped to establish a new record of demand coverage with wind energy, when this very morning at 1:37 am, 61.06% of demand on the Spanish peninsula (24,384 MW) was covered by wind power generation (14,889 MW), exceeding the previous maximum of 60.46% recorded on April 16 this year at 3.48 am.
These maximums reflect the capacity of the Company to safely integrate renewable energy and it makes them a world leading reference regarding transmission and electricity system operation.