Museum of Science and the Cosmos of Tenerife
The exhibition "Connected to the Future: The Energy Transition" by Redeia comes to Tenerife
  • The travelling exhibition, which will be on display in Tenerife until March, presents the green and digital transformation that is taking place in our country in a didactic way accessible to all audiences.
  • The exhibition features a five-module route that brings the ecological transition closer to the public in an interactive way thanks to a programme that includes different tests in the form of games, experiments and even an escape room.

The travelling exhibition "Connected to the future: The Energy Transition" by Redeia, the parent company of Red Eléctrica, comes to Tenerife. The Museum of Science and the Cosmos in La Laguna will host this interactive digital experience from 8 November until March, an exhibition designed to promote knowledge about the energy transition and a more active role for consumers.

The exhibition, which combines both an analogue and digital approach, is made up of different phases in which the visitor, in an educational and fun way, takes on a leading role through tests, games, experiments and even solving an escape room. An immersive experience into the world of energy and telecommunications as fundamental keys to the green and digital transformation that our country is undergoing.

At the presentation of the exhibition, the Director General for Energy of the Canary Islands Government, Rosana Melián, stated that the current Government of the Canary Islands is committed to the goal of decarbonising the islands by 2040 and is processing the Canary Islands Energy Transition Plan, among other energy planning instruments. "This tool will include priority areas such as energy self-sufficiency and distributed generation, placing the citizen at the core of the transition," she added.

Melián also highlighted other important lines of work of the current government, such as progress in energy storage, the promotion of electric vehicles and the implementation of other energy alternatives that contribute to the abandonment of fossil fuels, such as green hydrogen. "All these work policies fit in perfectly with the planning undertaken by Redeia for the coming years, which is why the collaboration between the two entities will be essential to achieve the goals set in terms of energy transition".

The delegate of Redeia (the parent company of Red Eléctrica) in the Canary Islands, Ainara Irigoyen, stressed the importance of the energy transition, "especially for island systems such as the Canary Islands, where renewable energies are the greatest guarantee for their future and autonomy". For this reason, she emphasised that "it is essential that businesses and companies, such as Redeia, play a leading role in involving society in this transformation process".

The Councillor for Museums of the Islands, Concepción Rivero, expressed her confidence that "the interactive nature of this exhibition will attract a wide and varied public, and thus raise awareness as widely as possible of the climate emergency we are experiencing and the possible actions to alleviate it". She also noted that "it is coming to Tenerife after its success at the Elder Science Museum in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, where around 30,000 people visited the exhibition and gave very positive reviews, so we are sure that it will be a great success". The councillor took the opportunity to invite the general public to enjoy the exhibition.

In addition, the director of the Museum of Science and the Cosmos, Héctor Socas, pointed out that "science and technology are giving us the necessary tools to tackle climate change and reduce our negative impact, but it is necessary to inform society of these advances so that they can implement them in their daily lives, ensuring that the effort is a collective one". Socas added that this is where the importance of this exhibition lies, in its informative nature.

Also taking part in the opening ceremony on behalf of Redeia were Juan Bola, Director of Systems Operation for non-peninsular territories, and Daniel Pérez Varela, Director of Infrastructures in the Canary Islands.

With this initiative designed for the general public, families and students, Redeia has set itself a triple objective: to raise awareness among visitors about the effects of the climate emergency; to explain the challenges of the Energy Transition and the sustainability commitments of the 2030 Agenda; and to convey the active role that consumers will play in the future.

The exhibition arrives in Tenerife after its success at the Elder Science Museum in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria where it was relaunched ten years later, incorporating the technological and qualitative leaps of the recent evolution of Redeia. Around 30,000 people have already visited the exhibition, which has received very positive reviews from visitors.

An immersive experience

To make visitors the protagonist of the exhibition, they will receive a personalised QR code on arrival that will serve as a key to unlock the different contents along the route, which they can do in groups or individually.

The first stop, dedicated to electricity and connectivity, aims to immerse visitors in the world of energy and telecommunications through a series of fun games and experiments aimed at acquiring basic knowledge about the properties of energy or the transmission of data and images.

The second stop takes us to the central space of the exhibition and has a large model on which the different scenarios of the "path of light" are projected in order to explain how the electricity system works. In addition, through a virtual tour, visitors can learn about the operation of the Electricity Control Centre (Cecoel), an infrastructure from which Red Eléctrica operates the electricity system, as if it were the brain of the system, to guarantee a quality and safe electricity supply at all times.

In order to play a leading role in the energy transition, it is essential to be familiar with it. For this reason, the third module analyses the challenges and commitments involved, explaining key aspects such as the integration of renewables and digital transformation.

To conclude, the last two stops on the route are dedicated to the commitments we take on as a society and as individuals, to raise awareness of the active role we have to play in the new electricity system, focusing on the tools and technological advances we have at our disposal to help us build a better future for all.

In addition, to encourage visitor participation, a virtual escape room has been developed, in the form of an online adventure game. An activity full of mysteries related to the content of each section, in which players will become aware of the leading role they play in the energy transition.