We are a global operator of essential infrastructure
- According to Equileap, it is one of the most gender-equal companies in Spain and in the world, and already has a Management Board and Senior Management with equal gender representation
- The group applies measures in favor of the underrepresented sex in recruitment, training, and promotion processes to eliminate masculinization of the energy and telecommunications sector
- "Redeia is more than ready for the introduction of the Parity Act. We cannot waste the talent of half of the population in the two most impactful changes experiencing the planet: the ecological and digital transformations", says Beatriz Corredor
Women account for 50% of the members of Redeia's Management Board and hold 50% of senior management positions, those reporting to the company's chairwoman and CEO, who are considered senior management. Women make up 45.5% of the Executive Committee, which is a high proportion compared to other companies.
The company is now working to extend this parity to the entire management team, where 36.2% are now women (compared to 35.3% in 2022). The goal is to cover 38% of management positions with female by 2025 and 50% by 2030. Moreover, it is introducing measures to increase the percentage of women in the workforce from the current 28.9% (27.9% in 2022) to 31% by 2025.
Redeia has been taking stock of its position regarding gender equality to mark 8 March, International Women's Day, and in the wake of the approval of the draft Organic Law on improving the gender balance among directors that transposes Directive (EU) 2022/2381 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 November 2022. This requires that listed companies must ensure their boards are made up of at least 40% women, a percentage that also applies to senior management. According to the CNMV, women occupy 37.5% of seats on the board and 23.1% of senior management posts in Ibex35 companies.
"Redeia is more than ready for the introduction of the Parity Act. We were the first company listed on the Ibex35 to have full parity on the board, and we have been working for years to extend this parity company-wide. We cannot waste the talent of half of the population in the two most impactful changes experiencing the planet: the ecological and digital transformations", says the company chairwoman, Beatriz Corredor.
She adds: "The underrepresentation of women in Redeia's base is the legacy of a traditionally male-dominated energy and telecommunications sector. Female engineers and technologists continue to be in the minority, both inside and outside the company. However, unlike what happens elsewhere, as a result of our commitment to gender equality, women are in the majority at Redeia as they move up the management ladder".
With its efforts to nurture female talent, leadership, and wellbeing, Redeia is recognised as one of the top 100 companies worldwide in terms of equality. According to the Equileap Equality Report & Ranking, the 2024 edition ranks the company the third most gender-equal in Spain and 36th in the world.
Some of Redeia's gender-equality initiatives include measures to increase the proportion of the underrepresented sex in selection, training and promotion processes to eliminate male dominance in certain technical positions and grow the number of women both in the base and the management team.
The company also collaborates with organisations like the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Spanish Association of Women in Energy (Aemener) on initiatives to close the gender gap in the telecommunications and energy industries. It also operates RedeSTEAM, a competition to encourage an interest in science in girls aged 14 to 16 years as part of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training's Niñas de pie de ciencia (Girls ready for science) Alliance.
Redeia's 6th Women's Week focuses on wellbeing and co-responsibility
Redeia is holding its 6th Women's Week to coincide with 8 March, with presentations and panel discussions throughout the week to raise awareness and encourage internal reflection on two questions that concern the company and are closely linked: female wellbeing and co-responsibility. The participants will include psychologist, writer and conference speaker Alejandra Vallejo-Nágera and journalist, executive and CEO mentor and founder of the Top 100 Women Leaders in Spain, Mercedes Wullich.
Vallejo-Nágera y Wullich will share their knowledge and ideas on self-care and health, the influence of motherhood on professional careers, inequality in caregiving and the consequences of the lack of measures support for work-life balance and co-responsibility.
The 6th Women's Week will also include a corporate volunteering action with Fundación Integra to support unemployed and vulnerable women to help them return to the job market by helping them draft a CV and prepare them for interviews.