Geographic scope
  • Córdoba

Since 2013

The 6th International Advanced Research Workshop on Transformers (Córdoba)

Informative sessions on energy

Red Eléctrica contributes to the dissemination of knowledge regarding the functioning of the electricity system by encouraging participation in conferences and training/informative sessions.

Red Eléctrica has been collaborating with the University of Vigo since 2013 on the “International Advanced Research Workshop on Transformers” (ARWtr 2019), whose sixth edition was held in October 2019 in Cordoba, with the support of the Cigre Organisation’s Spain and Portugal area.

The goal of this event, which experts from Red Eléctrica took part in, was to enable specialists from industry, academia and research to meet and exchange their experience, to promote collaboration agreements about new trends in the size, protection and power of transformers.