We are a global operator of essential infrastructure
- Nationwide
Collaboration with municipalities to promote social well-being. Construction and refurbishment of facilities for social purposes.
Red Eléctrica maintains its commitment with local communities where its facilities are located, through actions that contribute to improvements in the well-being of people and their municipalities, by supporting the protection of basic needs, fostering sport and healthy lifestyle habits, and the conservation of their culture.
Red Eléctrica collaborated in 2019 with the El Hueco social entrepreneurship platform, accompanying the bus that travelled over 4,000 km around different towns, promoting the “Rural Pride” project and the PRESURA Fair, the National Fair for the Repopulation of Rural Spain.
The aim of this initiative is to create a collaborative network between village united in the fight against depopulation and to bring in entrepreneurs so they can discover that the rural environment is a world of opportunities for them to start up their ideas and businesses.
In addition, Red Eléctrica sponsored the 3rd National Fair for the Repopulation of Rural Spain, held from 8 to 10 of November in Soria, participating in round table debates on energy for rural sustainability and on social innovation and rural development. It also collaborated in the publishing of the fourth issue of the PRESURA magazine, published on 21 November and the setting up of a social innovation space in the town of Parades de Nava (Palencia).
In 2020, Red Eléctrica supported the COVID-19 Rural Hackaton, organised by El Hueco, held online in April, with the aim of identifying innovative ideas to provide solutions for close communities ,to help mitigate consequences the pandemic has had on rural Spain.