We are a global operator of essential infrastructure
Casal Solleric de Palma de Mallorca
‘A highway behind the wall socket’ is an interactive exhibition where visitors can, on the one hand, discover the role that Red Eléctrica plays in the Spanish electricity system and the activity it carries out, and on the other hand, learn about the most noteworthy projects the Company undertakes in the autonomous community in which the exhibition is on show.
In this edition of the travelling exhibition, held in Palma de Mallorca, a new interactive space was added that allows visitors to take a virtual tour of the CECOEL via the use of virtual reality glasses (Oculus Rift).
In addition, Red Eléctrica continued with its shuttle bus service to provide transport for school students visiting the exhibition.
During 2017, the exhibition continued in Palma de Mallorca’s Casal Solleric until 5 March and was then moved to the Príncipe Felipe Science Museum in Valencia’s City of Arts and Sciences, where it will remain until January 2018.