Geographic scope
  • Barcelona


INMR World Congress 2017 (Sitges, Barcelona)

Informative sessions on energy.

Red Eléctrica contributes to the dissemination of knowledge regarding the functioning of the electricity system by encouraging participation in conferences and training/informative sessions.

Red Eléctrica collaborated with the journal INMR in 2017 on the INMR World Congress 2017. This Congress of experts, which is held every 2 years, is the world's most important event on insulation and it brings professionals from all over the world together to share experiences and show the latest technological advances.

During the three days of the congress, there were more than 100 presentations and more than 600 attendees from over 50 countries were present.

INMR is the world’s leading journal in the field of electrical insulation, dischargers and cable accessories, as well as inspection and laboratory testing equipment, both in transmission and distribution.