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Balearic Islands
Carrying out of the plan for the reintroduction of the Bonelli’s Eagle in Majorca, creating a stable population of the species on the island.
- Birth in 2014 of the first Bonelli’s Eagle chick in Majorca since its extinction. In 2015 for a second time the same couple has again bred successfully. In 2016, 4 new eagle chicks were born
- Since 2011, 41 Bonelli’s Eagles have been identified, fitted with a radio-tracking device and released. Population of the species consists of 27 individuals.
- Forming of 7 territorial breeding pairs.
- Creation of a Scientific Committee, publication and dissemination of the Reintroduction Plan and informative materials.
- A study by the University of Barcelona requested by the COFIB (Consortium for the Recovery of Fauna on the Balearic Islands) has concluded that the population of the Bonelli's Eagle on the island of Majorca is currently sustainable, and that its population is experiencing a slight increase.