We are a global operator of essential infrastructure
Local development
- Turia Natural Park (Valencia)
Collaboration with local government for recovery and improvement of green spaces.
Red Eléctrica collaborates with local communities where its facilities are located through actions for conservation of their natural environment, with the aim of promoting sustainable rural development and biodiversity conservation.
In 2018, Red Eléctrica carried out a sustainability project in the La Vallesa area, located in the Turia natural park (Valencia). The activity, which began in 2017 and will conclude in 2019, covers a group of measures for conservation of biodiversity and restoration of this area’s natural spaces and historical heritage.
The aim of the project is to analyse the value these measures generate and to systematise a reference model for performing company activities in the field of protected natural spaces. The initiative of conducting a historical/archaeological study in the area and the creation of a riverside wood to improve the quality of the waters and to act as a refuge for species can be highlighted.
On the other hand, Red Eléctrica has chosen this area to install the PRODINT project; a pilot system for detection and early warning of forest fires.