We are a global operator of essential infrastructure
- Castilla-La Mancha
Since 2013
Training sessions regarding fire prevention and safety in high voltage installations.
Red Eléctrica contributes to the training of the State Law Enforcement Agencies, and other public service personnel, in matters regarding safety in electricity facilities and fire prevention by organising specific training sessions.
In 2019, Red Eléctrica held the sixth edition of technical sessions in as many years under the title of “The fires of the next decade” which centred on the prevention of forest fires. It was organized by the Pau Costa Foundation in collaboration with the Regional Government of Castilla-La Mancha.
These sessions –which were due to take place on 1 and 2 April 2020 in Toledo– were postponed until a new date by the crisis caused by COVID-19.
Besides this, as part of the Red Eléctrica Group’s commitment to protect nature and conserve the environment, the company collaborated with the Pau Costa Foundation in 2020 to launch an educational mini-series of four episodes for children aged 5 to 10 to learn from two charming characters, Mefitú and Jara, how to prevent and protect themselves from forest fires.