Cover of The Red Eléctrica Group Code of Conduct for Suppliers.

This code is aimed at all those suppliers who provide goods and / or services to Red Eléctrica, it is therefore essential that they understand and fully comply with it in the contracts undertaken between them. Red Eléctrica will monitor and ensure the continued application of these principles by the suppliers.

The principles of conduct contained within this Code are structured within three main areas, depending on the supplier's relationship with its employees and contractors, with Red Eléctrica and with the environment.

Red Eléctrica makes various channels available to its suppliers to facilitate and improve the relation::

Similarly, and once the previous channels have been exhausted, Red Eléctrica offers its stakeholders, which includes suppliers, the figure of the Ethics Manager to collate and manage, in the strictest confidence, claims and noncompliance reports related to the principles of this document . Any breaches of this Code must be directed to the manager through this special form which has been designed specifically for this purpose. This Code comes into force as of January 1, 2013 and from that time becomes part of the General Conditions of Contract of Red Eléctrica.

For any further information regarding this document please contact the Procurement Help Desk (ASA).

The objective of Red Eléctrica's Supplier Code of Conduct is to make its suppliers fully aware of the general principles for their working and professional conduct within their different areas of activity.