We are a global operator of essential infrastructure
More than 80 European entities have applied to the Grid2030 Program with proposals covering the two challenges on power electronics (19 applications) and power system flexibility (60 applications evaluated). The bulk of applications comes from an equilibrated mix of top-notch R&D centres, prestigious universities and influential companies and non-profit, completed by promising start-ups – all in all coming from 10 different countries.
After careful study of this material, 27 of those applications have been invited to participate to the next phase of the program.
On behalf of Red Eléctrica and InnoEnergy, the Initial Business Opportunity Assessment Committee would like to thank all of you who have applied to the Grid2030 Program, for your time, efforts and motivation invested in this call. We would also like to highlight, the proficiency and references of the people behind the applications. It has been a very competitive environment and a real challenge for the selection teams.
Unfortunately we could not take in all the proposals. Nevertheless, we believe this has been an opportunity to learn about very diverse themes of interest among the 2 selected challenges.
The Business Opportunity Assessment Committee would also like to take this opportunity to thank our team of experts, built by 20 people from both Red Eléctrica and InnoEnergy, who dealt with the thorough task of revising all the applications in detail. Thank you for your commitment and excellent job done during these 2 weeks of evaluation, for your enthusiasm and respectful attitude.
But this is just the beginning! Now the Orchestration phase has started and in this phase the selected participants will develop their proposals further, build partnerships and define their projects. The first Orchestration workshop will be held on March 15th and 16th in the Campus of Grupo Red Eléctrica, in Tres Cantos.
Initial Business Opportunity Assessment Committee (BOAC) Wrap Up session after Evaluation Process. From left to right: Miguel Lorenzo Sotelo, Emilien Simonot, Madis Talmar, Andre Haverkort, Carlos Llanos, Teresa Grijelmo, Unai Búrdalo y Eduardo Garcia.