We are a global operator of essential infrastructure

Our road towards business excellence
2016: Red Eléctrica maintains in good standing the European Seal of Excellence 500+ and a 2016-2017 Excellence Plan has been prepared, which contains 46 improvement measures based on the excellence assessment report drafted in 2015.
2015: Red Eléctrica renews the European Seal of Excellence 500+, in accordance with the EFQM 2013 model, achieving more than 700 points.
2015: The project ‘Birds and power lines. Mapping of bird flight paths’, good practice ‘Highly Commended’ by the EFQM 2015.
2014: Red Eléctrica maintains in good standing the Seal of Excellence 500+ renewed in 2013. Recognition awarded by the Club de Excelencia en Gestión.
2013: Red Eléctrica renews the European Seal of Excellence 500+, in accordance with the EFQM 2013 model, achieving 678 points.
2011: Red Eléctrica presents its candidacy to the European Award for Business Excellence EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management), obtaining 650 points. The presentation of the candidacy resulted in Red Eléctrica receiving an award in the category 'Taking responsibility for a sustainable future'. It is the first time that the Company presented its candidacy to these awards; considered as the most important European excellence indicator regarding business excellence. In addition to the award, the EFQM has acknowledged Red Eléctrica’s management as ‘good practice’, not only in the winning category, but also in a further 2 categories: ‘Achieving Balanced Results’ and ‘Adding Value for Customers’.
2005: Red Eléctrica is granted the Prince Felipe Award for Business Excellence in the Industrial Quality category. This award has become the most prestigious distinction for business excellence in Spain.
2003: Red Eléctrica becomes the the first Spanish electricity company to obtain the European Seal of Excellence 500+, granted by the Club Excelencia en Gestión, the EFQM Primary Partner in Spain. This biennial recognition has been renewed in subsequent years.
2002: Red Eléctrica obtains the ‘Madrid Excelente’ seal, awarded by the Community of Madrid to those companies that are committed to innovation and continuous improvement, the satisfaction of society and the active contribution to economic and social development. This seal has been renewed in subsequent years.
2001: Red Eléctrica submits itself to the first external evaluation in accordance with the EFQM model, obtaining the European Seal of Excellence +400, granted by the Club Excelencia en Gestión.
1999: Red Eléctrica adopts the European model; EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management).
In 2011, Red Eléctrica obtained the European Award for Business Excellence in the category 'Taking responsibility for a sustainable future'; one of the many awards granted annually by the EFQM to the best European companies for the adoption of best business practices and management systems. These awards are considered as the most important European excellence indicator regarding business excellence.
In addition to the award, the EFQM has acknowledged Red Eléctrica’s management as ‘good practice’, not only in the winning category, but also in a further 2 categories: ‘Achieving Balanced Results’ and ‘Adding Value for Customers’.
As a result of this evaluation, to which Red Eléctrica presented its candidacy for the first time in 2011, the Company has improved its own national scores reaching 650 points.
In 2011, Red Eléctrica also renewed its European Seal of Excellence 500+. The Company was honoured with this seal of excellence for the first time in 2003.