We are a global operator of essential infrastructure
Red Eléctrica, aware of the great interdependence between the Company and society, focuses its activities on actions and investments aligned with its business goals which, in addition to generating value for the Company, impacts positively on the territory and its inhabitants, either at a social, economic or environmental level. In this way, the Company contributes to the promotion of a more sustainable and prosperous society within a socioeconomic context that favours the consolidation and expansion of the Company’s business base.
Social innovation is a novel concept whose definition can embrace different approaches and nuances depending on the actors who are involved in it. Red Eléctrica conceives this type of innovation as an evolution of its social action and its contribution to the development of the social environment, within the framework of the Company's sustainability model.
For Red Eléctrica, social innovation aims to foster the approach of generating shared value with society as well as influence and bring about behavioural changes that help contribute to solving the current challenges of society, in a way that is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.
Red Eléctrica establishes the following priority criteria for this type of action:
- The collaboration among agents and the participation of social organizations.
- The development of networks of trust and mutual support, mainly in the territory.
- The identification of situations in which a small action is capable of triggering relevant changes that build social capital.
- The development of sustainable and scalable proposals that generate value for society as a whole.
Efficiency, collaboration, creating networks, promoting employment and well-being, and bringing about changes that can lead to new and more effective solutions to social problems are essential concepts of social innovation in Red Eléctrica; therefore, actions that contribute to the endogenous development of the territory will be promoted in order to generate social value.
Red Eléctrica currently manages the creation of shared value through the promotion of 45 standard actions, 31 of which are directly related to the development and presence of the transmission grid in the territory. These actions, promoted through all its organisational units, are linked to the relevant issues of the Corporate Responsibility Model and the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In line with its activity, Red Eléctrica focuses its efforts on ensuring access to affordable, secure and sustainable energy (Goal 7); building reliable, sustainable, resilient and quality infrastructures to promote economic development and social well-being (Goal 9) and by adopting measures to help combat climate change (Goal 13). In addition, Red Eléctrica contributes directly to promoting economic growth (Goal 8), invests in the sustainability of communities (Goal 11), promotes sustainable management and the efficient use of natural resources (Goal 12) and works to protect ecosystems (Goal 15). A noteworthy example in this regard is the electricity interconnection between Spain and France.
The electricity interconnection between Spain and France: a unique case of creating shared value at multiple levels
- Design and execution: INELFE, a company jointly-owned by REE and RTE. Commissioned for commercial operation: October 2015.
- Length: 64.5 km linking up the municipalities of Santa Llogaia (Spain) with Baixas (France).
- Route: buried in a concrete trench except for an 8.5-km tunnel section which crosses the Pyrenees.
- Technology: direct current with converter stations at both ends for the conversion to alternating current.
- Power capacity of the line: 2,000 MW (largest-capacity interconnection line in direct-current in the world).
- Interconnection capacity: 2,800 MW (doubles the previous commercial exchange capacity established with France).
- Overall cost: 700 million euros, of which the European Union funded 225 M€. Project declared to be of European interest.

- Strengthening the security, stability and the quality of the electricity supply in Spain and France.
- Contribution to consolidating the European electricity grid. Progress towards an internal energy market.
- Increase in the competitiveness of the electricity markets and a reduction in overall generation costs.
- Improved sustainability renewable energies : the increased capacity to integrate generates environmental benefits and reduces dependency on fossil fuels. Savings in CO2 emissions are estimated to be 2.3 million tonnes by 2020.

- Development of the transmission grid, in compliance with the targets set out in the Planning in accordance with the Company’s mission.
- Stimulus for R&D & Innovation: the interconnection has brought with it the development of 7 technologically innovative projects.
- Positioning as a technological standard, given the pioneering nature of the project at an international scale.
- Development of professional capabilities: 225 employees involved in a unique and complex project.
- Strengthening of ties with the French transmission operator, thanks to the creation of the joint company INELFE; company responsible for the execution of the project.
- Financial return on investment, by means of the remuneration regulated by the Ministry, taking into account the construction, operation and maintenance costs.
- Strengthening of ties between Spain and France.
- A benchmark in cross-border cooperation.

- A tool that reinforces the security of electricity supply to the various regions of Girona, which are highly influenced by tourism, seasonal factors and geographical location.
- Stimulus for social and economic development, promoting the establishment of businesses and revitalising the socio-economic aspects of the territory.
- Guarantee for the operation of the high-speed train connecting Spain and France.
- Creation of direct and indirect employment in the Empordà region of Girona during the execution of the works: 100 jobs created and 20 million euros earmarked for SMEs linked to the project.
- Direct and continued collaboration in the territory’s social and cultural sphere.
- Optimisation of territorial registration, through participative dialogue with the different stakeholders. Undertaking of 181 commitments in order to minimise environmental impact.
- High rate of amicable agreements reached with the owners of the affected lands (93%).