As a sign of its commitment with the SDG 14
Redeia signs the UN Sustainable Ocean Principles

There is an urgent need to protect and restore the health of the ocean, which is rapidly deteriorating due to increasing temperatures, acidification, depletion of natural resources and pollution from land and sea. The world depends on a healthy, productive and resilient ocean for food security, climate mitigation and economic livelihoods. 

Redeia has signed the UN Global Compact Sustainable Ocean Principles as a sign of its commitment with the Sustainable Development Goal 14, Life below water, (that still has the lowest level of financial investment of any of the SGDs), and with the integration of the ocean sustainability into its strategy.

“Climate change, overfishing, pollution, and unsustainable and inequitable development are damaging the health of our ocean and seas. Businesses have a shared responsibility, alongside Government and civil society, to take necessary actions to secure a healthy ocean”, said Antonio Calvo Roy, Head of Sustainability at Redeia.

“Healthy and productive oceans rely on all actors to do their part. I am encouraged by these companies and their commitment to integrate ocean health into their corporate strategies,” said Sanda Ojiambo, Assistant Secretary-General and CEO of the United Nations Global Compact.

9 principles for the current and future well-being of our seas and oceans

The Sustainable Ocean Principles provide a framework for responsible business practices across ocean sectors and geographies. Companies signing on to the Sustainable Ocean Principles commit to assess their impact on the ocean and integrate ocean sustainability into their overall strategy. The principles are the following:

Ocean health and productivity 

  • Principle 1: Assess the short and long-term impact of their activities on ocean health and incorporate such impacts into their strategy and policies. 
  • Principle 2: Consider sustainable business opportunities that promote or contribute to restoring, protecting or maintaining ocean health and productivity and livelihoods dependent on the ocean. 
  • Principle 3: Take action to prevent pollution affecting the ocean, reduce greenhouse gas emissions in their operations to prevent ocean warming and acidification, and work towards a circular economy. 
  • Principle 4: Plan and manage their use of and impact on marine resources and space in a manner that ensures long-term sustainability and take precautionary measures where their activities may impact vulnerable marine and coastal areas and the communities that are dependent upon them.

Governance and engagement

  • Principle 5: Engage responsibly with relevant regulatory or enforcement bodies on ocean-related laws, regulations and other frameworks. 
  • Principle 6: Follow and support the development of standards and best practices that are recognized in the relevant sector or market contributing to a healthy and productive ocean and secure livelihoods. 
  • Principle 7: Respect human-, labour- and indigenous peoples’ rights in the company’s oceanrelated activities, including exercise appropriate due diligence in their supply-chain, consult and engage with relevant stakeholders and communities in a timely, transparent and inclusive manner, and address identified impacts. 

Data and transparency 

  • Principle 8: Where appropriate, share relevant scientific data to support research on and mapping of relevance to the ocean. 
  • Principle 9: Be transparent about their ocean-related activities, impacts and dependencies in line with relevant reporting frameworks.