Sustainable Development Goals

The Group, aware that the role of companies is key to achieving the goals set out in the UN 2030 Agenda, wants to be an active agent in contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and to strengthen its commitment to this area.

In this regard, the Company carried out a process for the identification and prioritisation of the most relevant SDGs for the Group in the countries and sectors of activity in which it carries out its activities, both for the direct operations of the Company and for the indirect ones associated with its value chain. As a result of this process, the most relevant SDGs have been classified into two degrees of relevance (high or medium).

SDGs of the High Relevance

Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy

The Group actively participates in the transition towards a new energy model, that is more competitive and sustainable, as it is a key agent for ensuring that aspects such as the development of the transmission grid and interconnections, the efficient integration of renewable energy and the management of electricity demand are carried out successfully in the Spanish electricity system.

Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth

The development of the activities of Redeia, as a Spanish company in the IBEX 35, primarily acting as the transmission grid operator of the Spanish electricity system, contributes to the economic growth of the country, generating quality employment and creating jobs, as well as contributing shared value to the economic, environmental and social progress of the environment in which the Company operates.

Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

The Group contributes to the construction of reliable, sustainable, resilient and high-quality infrastructure and does so seeking to maximise its integration into the environment and ensuring its comprehensive security. Similarly, the Company is developing a digital transformation strategy, which will signify a step towards the digitalisation of its activities and services.

Goal 13: Clima action

Since 2011, Redeia has declared its voluntary commitment to the fight against climate change, defining and approving its climate change strategy and establishing an action plan in this field. Similarly, the Company is a key agent in the transition towards a new energy model that is essential in order to combat climate change.

Goal 14: Life below water

The Group generates an impact on the marine ecosystems in which submarine interconnection facilities are built. With the objective of minimising this impact, the Company has criteria for the preservation and protection of marine ecosystems when carrying out interconnection projects, in addition to developing recovery projects for Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows.

Goal 15: Life on land

The main environmental impacts of Redeia are those that are derived from the presence of facilities in the territory. Therefore, the Company works intensively to fully integrate these facilities into the environment and into the territories in which its facilities are located, taking into consideration the full life cycle of facilities and paying special attention to the conservation of biodiversity.

SGDs of the Medium Relevance

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible de relevancia media