Energy transition and climate change

The Paris Agreement of 2015 was a historic milestone in the global fight against climate change with the commitment of the signatory parties to contain the increase in the Earth's temperature. Long before this Agreement, the EU had already shown its desire to make economic growth compatible with the reduction of greenhouse gases in the medium and long term. To achieve these objectives, a change in the energy model is essential.

The European Green Deal sets out a new strategy to reconcile economic growth with emis-sion reductions, prosperity and social justice. In 2021, the EU adopted the European Climate Law, which includes a binding target of climate neutrality by 2050 and an intermediate target of at least 55% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 levels.

In 2021, Spain also approved the Climate Change and Energy Transition Law, which includes the targets included in Spain’s 'National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) 2021-2030' and in the 'Long-term strategy for a modern, competitive and climate-neutral Spanish economy by 2050' which is fully aligned with the European targets and the ambition of not exceeding a temper-ature increase of 1.5 °C.

The Company has stated since 2011 its voluntary commitment in the fight against climate change by approving a specific strategy called Climate Change Commitment and a Climate Change Action Plan, whose latest version was validated in 2021.

New reduction targets

The company has committed to achieving climate neutrality (Net-Zero Commitment) by 2050 and, in line with this ambition, has assumed commitments to reduce its scope 1 and 2 emissions by 55%, and its scope 3 emissions by 28% in 2030 compared to 2019.

To achieve the 55% reduction in its direct emissions (Scope 1 & Scope 2), Red Eléctrica will intensify its efforts mainly with regard to sulphur hexafluoride (SF6). Actions in this area will include the renovation of facilities and the renewal of equipment and the improvement of methods for detecting and repairing SF6 leaks, among others.

With regard to Scope 3 emissions, i.e., those related with the supply chain and those that have the greatest weight within the Group, the Company has set a dual objective: on the one hand, a 28% reduction in GHG emissions; and on the other, that suppliers responsible for two thirds of emissions include SBTi (Science Based Targets) in their business practices. To this end, the Company will extend the support it is already providing to its suppliers to increase their knowledge of their impact and to identify and implement improvements to reduce it.

The 2030 reduction targets have been validated in June 2022 by the SBTi initiative.

Further information can be consulted in our Carbon footprint section on our web.

Cornerstones of the Climate Change Commitment

Integration of renewable energy

We build the transmission infrastructure necessary to facilitate the evacuation of renewable energy and we implement new technical solutions for system operation, through our Control Centre of Renewable Energy (CECRE), in order to maximise the safe integration of renewable energy into the electricity system.

Integration of renewable energy
Backing for energy efficiency

We promote demand-side management initiatives aimed at achieving greater efficiency in the operation of the electricity system.

Backing for energy efficiency
Reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions

We have calculated our carbon footprint and we have established reduction targets, among which noteworthy are the measures taken to reduce SF6emissions.

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Protection of wooded areas, prevention of forest fires and the promotion of reforestation projects

Aware of the importance of wooded areas as CO2 sinks, we undertake this objective applying three complementary approaches: minimise the loss of trees associated with the implementation of electricity grids, optimise the maintenance of electricity line safety corridors in order to prevent forest fires and thirdly, carry out reforestation projects to help offset part of the emissions generated by the Company, hence minimising the loss associated with the execution of its activities.

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Wooded areas
Carry out climate change adaptation projects

Participation in and the promotion of projects for the adaptation of the electricity system to situations that could arise from climate change (physical impacts in facilities and changes in energy generation and consumption patterns).

Climate change adaptation projects
Extension of the commitment undertaken by the Company to stakeholders

Disclosure of our carbon footprint, collaboration in initiatives to combat climate change, carry out awareness actions and transfer & extend our commitments to the Company's value chain.

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Main courses of action of the Climate Change Action Plan

Contribution to a sustainable energy model:


Reduction of the carbon footprint:

Positioning and disclosure:

Adaptation to climate change: